Narpo Swansea Branch

Archived pages: Page 7

Please note Water painting Gallery - The 'old' scrapbook can be viewed here...

Creating & Editing Photographs - Hints and tips; especially if you have never scanned a photograph. It's amazing the quality and enlarged size you can get from scanning even a very small photograph, measuring just a few inches! You are very welcome to share youe efforts right here. We welcome all contributions for all to enjoy and to keep the website fresh looking...

Mystery Pc

1977 Glanmor Road Sketty - Waiting for the Queen - But who is it?
(From Gilbert Ball - Facebook - March 2017)

Answer please by email to any Committee member

Latest update - 20th October 2017
I know this photo very well and have seen it in a book about Swansea.
The woman looking at the officer is Gillian Hardy (deceased) and the girl with the headband is Delyth Hardy. My mum and sister!! The man is not known to me.

Best wishes,
Ian Hardy

(Now living in NYC)
20th Oct 2017

Update - From Paul Emunds - That's Steve Merchant AKA Munchie.
12th May 2017


Greetings from Spain from Ian 'Lurch' Williams

A late message from 'Juan Miguel' in Spain (Catching up with emails - Jeff -

"Merry Xmas to you and all the 'Boys/Girls' at Swansea Narpo. Things great here, just finishing the Olive Harvest in my little area, so hopefully big eats for Xmas around here!!!! (NOT Olives, though.............)

Just attaching a photo that is possibly going into the local Spanish 'rag'. The smallest and biggest British Ex Pats in the area. I still have the problem when the Spanish that don't know me think I'm going to eat their kids or something. Most around here call me 'Juan Miguel', which is their version of Ian Michael, my Christian names. I'm proud though to say they have accepted us here. (You know me, they had to...........................!!!!)

Anyway, all the very best to you and all.
Ian (Lurch) 1697".


By Jim Evans
A few contribution's by Ex. Pc Jim Evans 475 - Circa 1970's

By Jim Evans
Pc Andy Gill in the Police Information Room (PIR) as it used to be called.

By Jim Evans

By Jim Evans
Pc Jack Owen and unknown Sergeant
An update courtesey of Viv Martin
Jack Owen was 165 and the Sergeant is Ken Evans known as 44.
Thanks Viv, we appreciate your input!

By Jim Evans
Left - Jeff Stevens - Right front Jeff 'sailor sealey' and Jack Owen

By Jim Evans
Andy gill and unknown
The 'unknown female' is the late Ann Easterbrook; many of that era will
remember Ann as a Telephonist and Radio Operator
Updated by Andy Gill Feb 2017


A Group Football Team 1970's
'A' Group Swansea Central Mallin Trophy Team - Early 1980
(Kindly submitted by David Rees - Sept 2016)


A group Football team
Swansea Central 'A' group football team
being presented with the Mallin Trophy by C Supt. Jack Nolton.

Kindly contributed by David Rees - April 2016


PS Sheppard Port Talbot Police
PS Sheppard Port Talbot Police - Mayor's Escort outside the Aberavon Town Hall
Kindly contributed by Terry Townend - Facebook - April 2016
PS Sheppard Port Talbot Police
Ian Lippiatt
Extracted from Facebook 31st March 2016


Gorseinon Officers 1980's
Yet another 'Blast from the past' - Gorseinon officers
Yet another part of Gorseinon Police History - 1980's collection
Kindly contributed by Clive Saddington

March 2016


One of the 'true stories' about the Gorseinon Apple Tree
Pictured is the late Bruce Evans – and Station Clerks Julie Felstead and Marie Gorman in the rear garden of Gorseinon Station where there is a very productive apple tree planted many years ago by an officer who had previously lived in the Station .The ownership the tree was a matter of some dispute; some believed that the apples were the property of all officers working at the Police Station and this resulted in many plates of tart and bottles of fine apple Calvados being produced.  Frequent nocturnal visits were made to the tree and many a helmet full was recovered. 

It was eventually ruled that all apples still attached to the tree were to remain in the ownership of the Senior Officer and that all windfalls could be collected by officers of all ranks and treated as personal property. 

The late Bruce Evans Gorseinon Police Station
This remained in force until one hot summer round about 1976 when conditions favoured the growth of fine apples but which did not result in them falling from the tree!    A certain Officer decided to create a windfall of his own by throwing a heavy concrete garden pot against the tree trunk to shake free some apples. He missed the tree and the pot was last seen passing through a privet hedge concluding with the sound of breaking glass! 

Because of where the sound came from the officer was mortified to think that he had damaged a police vehicle but on examination Police vehicles parked behind the hedge were undamaged. However, upon a further look revealed that the pot had smashed through the windscreen of his own car. We are not in the game of embarrassing anyone but we are grateful to 2 former Gorseinon personnel – Rita Collinson for the picture and Terry Townend for the story.
It was not Terry’s car!!

March 2016


Swansea Fooball Team 1950'st
Swansea Borough Football Team - 1950's
This picture was submitted by Marjorie Owen widow of Ken who is in the front row
(March 2016)

Back Row - Gwyn Thomas - Peter Whitehead - Cam Tucker - Jack Peters -Tom Stephens - Dai Salmon - Tom Willis
Front Row - Glyn Thomas - Ken Owen - Tom Crabbe - Trevor Davies - Jake Ellery

Note: After reading our Spring Newsletter, a big thanks to Hywel Rees for getting in touch and identifying 3 'mystery players'
Gwyn Thomas PC 206 Swansea Borough, also a good cricketer, Peter Whitehead, originated from Aberyswyth area,
worked in Admin and was a Royal Marine on security duties at the Yalta Conference at end of World War 2.
Finally, Glyn Thomas, Pc 109 Swansea Borough.


Even more 'Blasts from the past' - Gorseinon Police Station Christmas Party
at the Glamorgan Arms, Pontlliw - 1984 plus a few more photographs

Kindly contributed by Rita Collinson who was a Station Clerk at Gorseinon
and the daughter of Sergeant Saddington and sister of Daphne Rosser. (Feb 2016)

Ritas Photos 2016

Gorseinon Police Station Christmas Party
Glamorgan Arms, Pontlliw - 1984

Ritas Photos 2016


Ritas Photos 2016


Ritas Photos 2016
Sergeant Vic Saddington on duty at 'The Slip'
and as a Pc below and in the Police Band above.

Ritas Photos

The above 5 photographs were kindly contributed
by Fcc. Rita Collinson - Feb 2016


Swansea Borough Police Team 1951
Kindly contributed by Terry Townend - Facebook - February 2016


Fire at Flour Mill Swansea 1956
Swansea Borough Police Officer on duty at
the Kardov Flour Mill Swansea July 1956

(Contributed by Terry Townend - Jan 2016)

Roy Kneath - Swansea your Story

A few of the small shops that traded on the hill before the days of Tesco - Facebook
Roy Kneath - Swansea your story
- January 2016

1 West Grocer Rhondda Street
2 Trevor Rosser Butcher Rhondda Street
3 Ben Davies Grocer Rhondda Street
4 Ben Davies Bakehouse Rhondda Street
5 James Davies Baker (Front Shop) Rhondda Street
6 Gough Rhondda Street
7 William ‘Hon Kong’/later became Gambold for milk Grocer Rhondda Street
8 Bill Bowen later Fenders Greengrocer/Milk Rhondda Street
9 F. Gambold Milk shop Rhondda Street
10 Mr Brayley Fish and chip shop Cromwell Street
11 Bowring Grocer Cromwell Street
12 Perkins Bakers shop Norfolk Street
13 General shop Norfolk Street
14 John Andrew Baker Norfolk Street
15 Parley Chemist Norfolk Street
16 Dallings Shop (Faggots & peas, cakes) Norfolk Street
17 Dallings Market Garden Primrose Hill
18 Mrs Gammon Newsagent Norfolk Street
19 Co-op Shop Norfolk Street
20 General shop Norfolk Street
21 Davies Bros. Greengrocer Norfolk Street
22 Whitlock Boot & shoe repair Primrose Street
23 Thos. Madge Post Office Terrace Road
24 Blanchett Butcher and General grocer Terrace Road
25 Evans Newsagent Terrace Road
26 General Stores Terrace Road
27 Howard Boot maker Harcourt Street
28 G.R. Thomas and Co. Coal Merchant Harcourt Street
29 J.B. Yeo Butcher Terrace Road
30 Geo. Shepherd Boot Maker Terrace Road



Christmas Dinner 2015

Thanks to all who attended at our annual Christmas Lunch, held this year at the Manor Park Country House, Clydach. It proved to be a thoroughly enjoyable occasion and we have had excellent, well deserved feedback for the lovely Christmas Dinner and the hospitality bestowed upon us by the hard working hotel staff.

Thanks also to Cheryl Taylor for her fine efforts in taking these memorable photographs which can be viewed right here... The Committee would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy & Healthy New Year.





Many more 'Blasts from the Past'

The late Meirion Griffiths


Penclawdd Police Station
Penclawdd Police Station (Date not known)
The living accomodation attached to the Police station was one of the first to have
central heating in the H Div. I applied to be the Penclawdd area man but
failed because I could never fill the boots of good old PC George Smith!
Terry Townend - Nov 2015



RTA Neath 1968-1969
1968 -1969...... R.T.A (Now called a Road Traffic Collision - :-)
Outside the Hole in the Wall Restaurant Neath
This restaurant was used by H Div and G Div Glam Police Training Dept
for the supply of meals on the one day a month training and the dreaded monthly Exam
[I do not own this photograph; all credit goes to the photographer]
Terry Townend - November 2015

"In the pre amalgamation days, the Training department for H Div and G Div had a once a month training day and monthly exam The pass mark was always 40% The result, including the names of officers who failed the exam was published in weekly orders.
On the training day we went to the Hole in the Wall for a meal paid by the force".


Wedding 1962
A wedding in 1962. The bride had been a policewoman, getting married to Tony Hiscock, but in those days if they wished to marry they had to resign. She is accompanied in the photo by 5 policewomen in uniform, who it is believed are Swansea Borough officers. Has anyone any idea of the identity of them, it's believed that the one on the left is Freda Williams!

This photo was taken from an Emmanuel School magazine dated November 1962. (Photo courtesy of John Thomas - November 2015)

Update - 29th November
Regarding the recent wedding photograph published on the web page, the happy couple were Mr & Mrs Tony Hiscock. Mrs Hiscock is ex pw 6 Pam Mabe. The other policewomen in the photograph are from the left -
PW 4 Brown (now Freda Williams), PW 8 Sheila Knight now Court and residing in South Africa, PW 3 Audrey Vincent whose husband John was a serving Swansea Borough officer at the time, PW 7 Betty Dagnell who married Onllwyn Jones who was previously a Swansea Borough man and lastly PWS 2 Alice Adams who transferred to the Hertfordshire police as an inspector and retired with the rank of superintendent. (Phew!!!!! Ed)

Thanks very much to Wynne Thomas for the above information.


Central Traffic 1973

(Photo courtesy of John Thomas) (November 2015)


Bryon Tucker - 1971


Norman Hathaway


Official programme of the opening of Morriston Police station
Courtesy of John Warren Thomas
November 2015

Opening of Morriston Police Station

Official programme of the opening of Morriston Police station
Courtesy of John Warren Thomas
November 2015


Festival of remembrance 2015
Courtesy of Cheryl Taylor
November 2015


Parachute jump 1981

Found this picture in a book in Waterstones today (Swansea - Memories are made of this). Leaping out of a perfectly serviceable aircraft over the Gower was popular in the early 80s by many of the boys & girls!!

Steve Culliford - (Narpo Swansea Facebook page) 4th Nov 2015.


Dyfed Powys Football Match 1957

Hi Jeff
You may wish to post this one taken before a regional match, South v North Police played at The Racecourse, Wrexham in 1957 or 58 which ended in a one all draw. Recognised are: Watt Lowe - front left (Cardiganshire), Brian Oakley - front centre and Gwyn Hughes - back extreme right (Mid-Wales)
The remainder are from Glamorgan Police and Swansea Borough.
Some of your followers may be able to identify team members.

Hugh Colley
Dyfed Powys Narpo
November 2015

Thomas J Rees

The President of the United States of America, authorized by Executive Order, February 4, 1945, has awarded the Bronze Star Medal to FIRST LIEUTENANT THOMAS J. REES, BRITISH ARMY for meritorious achievement in ground operations against the enemy.

First Lieutenant Rees, 313 951, General List, (British Army), detachment d2d2, Company K, 1st European Civil Affairs Regiment, United States Army. For heroic achievement in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States. On 21 September 1944, Lieutenant Rees displayed exceptional courage and initiative in assisting to remove several cars of ammunition from a burning train at St. Mihiel, France. His prompt action, without regard to his own safety, undoubtedly saved an important military bridge which was under construction near the scene of the fire. Lieutenant Rees' accomplishment merits high.



Bravery Award awarded to T.O Davies

Does anyone know the identity of any of the officers from the
Sub-Aqua team and any details of the recovery of the Safe?

Answers on a Postcard please :-)
Dyfed Powys Safe Recovery Sub Aqua

Swansea Football Team 1947
Swansea Football Team - 1947
Kindly contributed by Duncan Harding of Bedfordshire Police.
Extracted from a scrapbook of old press cuttings, purchased at a car boot a few years ago.
' I think it was in a local Swansea paper back in the day'.

15th Oct 2015

A young PC Hywel Jones later a DC at Morriston
A young PC Hywel Jones later a DC at Morriston
Courtesy of Terry Townend
(Facebook) Oct 2015

Glamorgan Mcycle Club

Glamorgan Police Motor Cycle Club

Mike Cram wearing a tie back row left

Courtesy of Terry Townend
(Facebook) Oct 2015

Narpo Conference 2015
Narpo Conference @ Southport - Click here to view photographs
Devil's Bridge - Aberystwyth - Sept 2015
Bus Trip to Devil's Bridge and Aberystwyth
- September 2015.
Photo Album can now be viewed by
clicking here...
wacrphoto-Maurice Cosslett

Taken at WACR circa 1989 on the retirement presentation of Maurice Cosslett (Inspector)
Left to right: Alan Watkins, Alan Pitt, John Williams, Mick Butcher, David Owen.

Kindly contributed by David Owen Ex PS2201 - Sept 2015

Jeff Brain retirement
Operations support unit, Jeff Brain retiring and teaching 'im in doors the job - 1995'ish

Contributed by Sheena Davies - Sept 2015
Swansea Lunchtime Pool School - 1981
Thanks to Bob Ware for this contribution - Sept 2015
Photograph taken by Nigel Elsey

Terry Townend - The 'A' team

See many more 'Blasts from the past' on our
Brand New Facebook page...

1st Sept 2015

Update - 8th Sept
We have been overwhelmed by the response to date and a little unprepared as we have not as yet had the opportunity to discuss ground rules which will be discussed at committee level at our next Narpo meeting, to be held at Cockett Police Station at 7pm on Monday 21st September. Any person wishing to attend this meeting is welcome to do so - please do contact us first so that we can arrange entry to the police station.

Any feedback will be most welcome, as this is a new venture to us and a challenge. We value your feedback, so don't hold back, tell us what you want, as our aim is to make this facebook account into an interesting and enjoyable tool which will be used and enjoyed by all.

Thanks everyone.



Fascinating glimpses from the past!

From a website called BFI, here are some stills and videos (no sound)

Fire engines coming out of swansea central in the 1950's and the rebuilding of Swansea. There are a few police officers in it.

"I've had a good look at the film now Jeff and there are quite a few officers dotted around especially the "new" shop openings, maybe some of the retired ones will even spot themselves.

If they type swansea in to the search they will see some other swansea films and one with an officer at the 1926 eisteddford in swansea briefly policing the crowd pictured left"

Here is the actual link for the 1926 (policeman in singleton park) Eisteddfod.

Kindly submitted by Paul Gibson
July 2015


Wales Region Police Training Centre - Bridgend
Combined Classes 3 & 4 - 3rd November 1972 - 9th February 1973

Bridgend Training Centre 1972-1973
Class names

This class photograph recently came into my possession - Jeff Davies

A higher quality image (Over 3Mb) can be viewed and downloaded by clicking here



Memories of Cwmbran
by Nigel John
- June 2015

Cwmbran closed down as a training centre in 2006 and has since been disused and abandoned.

The site has now been sold,
soon to make way for housing!

cwmbranThese are a few of the now and then photographs,
March 1980 and May 2015 taken from more or less the same position.

A lot of members probably trained at PTC Cwmbran. I did my training there between January and March 1980.

I recently made an emotional return, 35 years after I left. Luckily for me, there was demolition staff on site who gave me a guided tour. A lot of the former buildings including the dormitories have been demolished but the main building is still standing.

Just a footnote - fancy dress pictures contain myself and
the late Richie Byrne as the clown.





Swansea Police 1897

I have just received a copy of " to guard my people" by Walter William Hunt.
This a picture from the book dated 1897. In the picture there is a sergeant to the right hand side sitting with his stripes on his upper arms, to the left are other sergeants with their stripes on the lower arms with what i think are three
feathers just above the you think any of the members know why this is? My guess is the ones to the left may be from the Glamorganshire Constabulary???? but i'm not sure!
Paul Gibson - June 2015.

NB. Feedback very welcome please, to any Narpo Committee member.



Fforestfach Police Station - 1910

A 1920's photograph is already on our web site - Please click here to view.

A fine body of men - Names to the faces would be very welcome!
(Please email Phil, Jeff or Bryon)

Thanks to Paul Gibson for identifying the above location - May 2015

Photograph kindly contributed by Phil/Cheryl Taylor - May 2015




Police Station at Tontine Street

Leys on the corner of Tontine street was listed as a police station in 1900
in one of the commercial directories of the day

Photograph kindly submitted by Paul Gibson - May 2015

NB. Paul already has a request on our website for any information regarding Sketty Police Station.

Cps Swansea as a Skating Rink

Roller skating rink on the site of the 'Old' CPS before the station
was built/opened in 1913..circa 1910

Photograph kindly submitted by Paul Gibson - May 2015

Lambeth TownHall
This is Lambeth town hall...built approx 1906....
Something tells me that the architect of CPS Ernest morgan
may have obtained some sort of artistic licence for ours!!

Old CPS Swansea

The 'Old' Central Police Station - Swansea

Memories of the 'old' CPS Swansea


fiona jones

Christmas Buffet

Christmas Buffet

Christmas Buffet

Narpo Christmas Buffet Invitation to the Central Police Station, Swansea
December 2014

Photographs kindly submitted by John Gronow


150th Anniversary of the Swansea Borough Police parade in 1986
Contributed by Viv Martin - Dec 2014

viv martin

viv martin

viv martin

viv martin

viv martin

viv martin
150th Anniversary of the Swansea Borough Police parade in 1986
Contributed by Viv Martin - Dec 2014


CPS Swansea Back yard photo
Taken in the back yard of the Central Police Station (CPS) Swansea - Date not known
Kindly sourced by Cheryl Taylor - Dec 2014

Evening Post Memories
Glais rugby club circa 1963/4
with Elwyn Davies in photo.
At that time several police officers played for the club, and I have a sneaking suspicion that the person in the back row, extreme right is Gareth Jones. Let me know if I am right, and also the identity of any other policemen in the team!

Contributed by Phil Taylor - Nov 2014


Evening Post Memories

An article about the wedding of Mair Gill's (nee Webber's)
parents marriage at the Guildhall.


WW1 Centenary at the Brangwyn Hall, Swansea
November 2014

Brangwyn Hall Centenary


Swansea Rifle Shooting Team

Swansea Rifle Shooting Team - Contributed by Alan Collins.

I read the board as saying 1922. I assume it is the rifle shooting team.
Bob Williams - July 2014

Bob Williams pic
I don’t expect that you will have too many members who will remember
this pair of Swansea policemen.
The photograph is a postcard and was given to
me by a collector, Jeff Stewart.
I notice that the helmet doesn’t have a crest,
so it is possibly a theatrical shot. I will leave it up to you experts. I regret that
I don’t have a date, if one does arrive I will let you know.

Bob Williams - July 2014

The Force number appears to be 52-P? Ed.

Photo 1 - “Who needs yellow lines?”
Photo 2 - Faces that some of you will remember!
Photo 3 -Taken in the Police club after Dad (Wally Williams) had retired from the force
and was working as a civilian and running the club in the Central.

Regards - Bob Williams - July 2014

Bob Williams photo


Dedication of Windows and Plaques\
A copy of the programme for the dedication of the Memorial Window and the 2 Bronze plaques,
removed from the old Central Police Station and relocated in the new Swansea Police Station.

Kindly contributed by Phil Taylor
April 2014

Police Reunion 1993

Another 'Blast from the Past'
Swansea Borough Police Reunion 1993
Kindly contributed by Phil Taylor
April 2014

Police Reunion 1993

Helem Lawrence1
Superintendent Rees Davies ( front row centre ) was my great grandfather. Sadly Rees Davies died in1943, but his wife lived until aged, 90 and told me many stories of his time in the Police.
Mrs Helen Lawrence

27th January 2014

Christmas Dinner December 2013
Our Narpo (2013) Christmas Dinner was held this year at the Village Hotel on Tuesday 10th November.
An enjoyable time was had by all who attended. Photographs can now be viewed right here :-) A big thank you is
extended to all members who contributed and attended; making it such a big success.

The Venue for the 2014 Christmas Dinner will be decided by a show of hands at our forthcoming AGM to be held in
the Spring of 2014!

Torquay Trip early 80's
A real gem of a picture - Narpo Bus Trip to Torquay - early 1980's?
Kindly contributed by Bob Williams - Pontardawe
- Nov 2013

Swansea Bay

Swansea Bay - Taken from the Brains restaurant on the skyscraper in Swansea Marina.
Kindly contributed by Egryn Ellis Ex.PC 1750 C (1972 = 1990) - Nov 2013

Swansea Bay

Can this be true?
Believed to be True!

Swansea Police 1956
Swansea Borough Police - C 1956/7
Rear: 'Jake' Ellery - Charlie Walton - Dai Hopkins - Viv Martin - Eufryn Hamer - Brian Frame
Front: Don Frame - Ray Evans - Cameron Tucker - Dai Salmon - Tom Crabbe - John Pickard

Kindly submitted by Brian Frame - Nov 2013

Further identification by Bryon Tucker!

Police Band
Swansea Borough Police Band - Circa Late 1950's
En route from the Guildhall to the Central Police Station - Event - Annual Inspection

Kindly submitted by Brian Frame - Nov 2013

Police Band

Mayors Parade
I believe this photograph depicts Escorting the Mayor to church. My father, the halberdier with the medals
up, was Wally Williams 143. This was obviously before his promotion to sergeant and that I am pretty sure
was before my mother died in 1963.

Bob Williams
(Grey Phillips will remember me from Swansea Council and as The Marriage Man)

October 2013

Funeral Procession
Believed to be Dai Salmon's Funral 1962/1963 - Bryon Tucker
(Kindly contributed by Bob Williams - Oct 2013)

Sugestions to identify some of the Officers - thanks to all who have contributed!
I think the Halberdiers were Bert Addison(103),Bill Sears(105),Eyfryn Hmer, Aubrey Oliver(180), ? , Bill Elliott(37),
From Adrian Crocker
Bert Addison, Bill Sears, Aubrey Oliver, Ray Evans, Willie Carroll(commisionaire) and Wally obviously
From John Huxtable
Sgt Bert Addison left hand side 1st PC Bill Sears 2nd Efryn Hamer Right hand side 2nd PC Jeff Smith 3rd Ken Elliott -
From Viv Martin

Edna Jenkins 100th Birthday Celebration - October 2013
On 24th September 2013 one of our members - Edna Jenkins - celebrated her 100th Birthday. She is the widow of a former Metropolitan Officer " Reg Jenkins". On retirement Reg returned to his home town of Swansea where he and Edna became active members of the Swansea Branch prior to his passing .One of their sons, Peter, is also a Narpo member.

At the Birthday party, Gifts and Cards were presented by both our Branch and the Metropolitan Narpo- the Swansea presentation made by Bryon and Vera Tucker and the Met represented by Richard and Elaine Cook.

Bryon Tucker -Swansea Narpo (Oct 2013)

Edna Jenkins 100th Birthday
Bryon & Vera Tucker making a presentation

Edna Jenkins 100th Birthday
Roger & Elaine Cook making a presentation

Edna Jenkins 100th Birthday
Group photograph - (Copyright - Evening Post, Swansea)


Neville Jones Golden Wedding pic


Traffic Blasts from the past
Western Traffic Sector memories - Blasts from the past, kindly submitted by Keith Carne, courtesy of
Colin pullman and others! Please click here to view the 'Slide Show'

Photo by Huw Griffiths
Swansea Central CID - 1995  
Back row from left: DC Gail COPE, DC Tim JONES, DC Terry LEWIS, DC Keith MORGAN, DC Gary TUCKER,

Front row from left: DS Geraint LEWIS, DS Bob JAMES, DS Huw GRIFFITHS, DI Roger JONES,

Kindly submitted by Huw Griffiths Ex. Ds 544- April 2013

Photo by Huw Griffiths
Kindly submitted by Huw Griffiths Ex. Ds544 - April 2013

Photo by Huw Griffiths
DC Ian 'Tigger' GRIFFITHS and myself in the offices of Major Crime in Sandfields,
Port Talbot circa 1994 - we'd just finished putting together a murder file (on the desk). (Phew!)
Kindly submitted by Huw Griffiths Ex. Ds 544 - April 2013

Cardiff & Swansea Drug Squad Do'
'Adam and Eve' around about 1988

Kindly contributed by Bruce Shepherd - March 2013

Bruce Shepherd

Bruce Shepherd
Kindly contributed by Bruce Shepherd - March 2013

Bruce Sergeant
Sergeants Course at HQ. Bridgend - 1985?

Kindly contributed by Bruce Shepherd - March 2013

Bruce Shepherd
Swansea Central C.I.D & others - 1987?
Kindly contributed by Bruce Shepherd - March 2013

Bruce Shepherd
Inspectors Course at HQ, Bridgend - 1989?
Kindly contributed by Bruce Shepherd - March 2013

Cockett CID
Kindly contributed by Bruce Shepherd - March 2013 (More to follow)


Ross Mather at Swansea RFC v South African Springboks matc - St Helens 1970

I recently purchased this old media photo. I am on it ....more or less in the centre ....Glamorgan helmet but half my face is obscured. It was taken during the Swansea RFC v South African Springboks match at St. Helens in 1970.

I was part of the 'E' or Barry Dock Division contingent sent that day to Swansea and we spent that afternoon battling with the demonstrators for the duration of the match.
Best wishes...Ross Mather 7th March

Ross Mather
Scene from Mumbles Road outside of St. Helens during the
Swansea v South Africa Springboks game 1970
Ross Mather 7th March


John Smith
John is attending a local hero Pride Awards Ceremony
at the Brangwyn Hall, Swansea on Thursday 7th March.

John Smith Award Ceremony


Western Traffic Sector
Western Traffic Soccer Team at the dog track in Skewen.
We played the workshop and lost; n
ot sure of the score but I think it was in double figures!
By Keith Carne - March 2013


Keith Carne
One 'smart chap' and one very smart car. Do you remember when they came down from HQ?
I was crewed to a Rover ??? 269K which was a 'tidy car' as well!

By Keith Carne - March 2013

Keith Carne
This is Ceri Bufton and myself at A465 Llandarcy with a bloke from the Ford Motor Company who
wanted the new Ford tested and a report submitted what we thought of the car which was far
too small for patrol work but went like s***
By Keith Carne - March 2013

Keith Carne Keith Carne

By Keith Carne - March 2013

Keith Carne
Photo taken at speed at Llandarcy Interchange!
By Keith Carne - March 2013

Glyneiros Traffic Office
Graham Thomas refuelling at Glyneiros Traffic Office - Now a 'posh' housing estate!
By Keith Carne - March 2013

Keith Carne
On duty at a Road Traffic Accident - Who is the lady?
By Keith Carne - March 2013



Please note All recent new photographs previously displayed on this page (up until 2nd March 2013 have now been archived - Archived pages: Page 1 - Page 2 - Page 3 - Page 4 - Page 5 - Page 6 (Latest)

To all contributors - Your input is invaluable and very much appreciated; please keep on sending us photographs and stories, both modern and old. You may of course remain anon. if you so wish!

NB: If you send in material and don't get a reply within a week, we would appreciate a reminder.

Thank you.

New Search Engine
The web site content is getting much larger as time goes by, sometimes making a subject (person, story, photograph etc) hard to find. To get around this and make life easier, a brand new 'Search Engine' was introduced in January,2012. It is automatically 'spidered' by electronic robots every 4 weeks so please bear this in mind when searching for recent content which may be less than a month old.

The search engine has been placed on several pages - near to the top of the 'Home Page' - 'News Page' - and also below. Unlike Google which of course searches the whole of the Internet, this new search engine will only search within the confines of the Swansea Narpo web site. Please feel free to try it out!

The whole web site is indexed every month. To carry out a search, please enter name or subject into the box provided.

NB; There is normally no need to use capital letters as lower case works very well for most searches. Jeff Davies - March 2013
Site search by freefind advanced

Email webmasters here

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