Narpo Swansea Branch

Photoshoot Photo Archives

Archived pages:
This page was archived as Page 11

(Up to Nov 23) on New Photos page

Please note Water painting Gallery - The 'old Scrapbook' can be viewed here...

  Halberdiers over the years
Golf Day 2018 - Part 1 Coffee Mornings (New page)
Golf Day 2018 - Part 2 Norton House Summer Lunch August 2018
Christmas Lunch 2017 Remembrance Service 14th Nov 2018
Christmas Lunch 2018 New Summer Lunch 2023

New A dedicated Video page can now be accessed here. April 2019

Bristol Christmas Market trip 2023
Bristol Christmas Market shopping trip Nov 2023
Photos kindly taken by Vivienne Moore


Swansea Borough Police Cricket side
I have received this photograph of a Swansea Borough Police Cricket side at St Helens, but I don’t a definitive date for the side, nor do I have any names for any of the players. Please feel free to share with NARPO website users. Hopefully they will be able to chip and help with putting names to faces.

Jake McDonald
Heritage Officer
South Wales Police Headquarters
31st Oct 23

Pic contributed by Wally Carey
A memorable photo, contributed by Wally Carey.

From Left to Right.
Back row:
Brian Frame, Jimmy Harrigan, Brian Richards.

Front row:
Ieuan John, Ruben Symons (war reserve) Wally Carey, Bob Carter.

Oct 23


Photo Slideshow of assorted pics, contributed by Peter Hall - August 2023

The monthly Narpo coffee morning was held today (20th July 23) in the Grand theatre less people there today due to holidays or illness but an enjoyable time was has by all who attended.

Click here to view the Photo Slide show Album

Cheryl Taylor.


Coffee Morning 20th July 23


Summer Lunch July 2023
at Norton House.

Many thanks to Gerry Coad for arranging it all.

Photos kindly taken by Cheryl Taylor.
  Summer Lunch Norton House July 2023

Gloucester Quays Bus Trip 2022

November 2022
The Quays had an abundance of interesting stalls and the Main Street had even more interesting people who entertained us with music and dance.

The Cathedral in Gloucester is beautiful and well worth a visit. Thank you Barrie Lewis for arranging a great trip and to Cheryl Taylor for taking the photos...
  Gloucester Quays November 2022


A few memorable photos taken a 'while ago' in Derbyshire, contributed by Dave Savage.
Now scanned for all to reminisce.
6th Nov 2022

Dave Savage Derbyshire



Lloyd George from Peter Hall
Lloydd George at Swansea Eisteddfod in 1926, with two Borough Officers in the photo.

Peter Hall
Sept 2020


Back in time to 1985.
Swansea Police Soccer team (H and J Divisions) The team at that time operated in the Swansea Sunday League and prior to that, the very high standard Thursday Industrial League.

Thanks to Gwyn Hughes for this memorable pic...

Gwyn Hughes Swansea Police Soccer Team

Norton House Summer Lunch
on 3rd August 22 Norton House Summer Lunch 3rd Aug 22


Hi Phil,

I am a member of West Kent NARPO, and with a bit of research I found your details on line.
My dad, PC 298 William John Thomas, is far right back row, also known as 'Sailor Bill'. I think this picture may have been circulated before by Wayne Browning? I followed in my dad’s footsteps and joined Kent Police in 1981, retiring in July 2011. Just wondered if the photo might of interest for your records, library, sharing or whatever.

My Dad served in Port Talbot, then Taibach. From there he went To Taffs Wells, and late 50’s he moved to Pyle Cross, that’s when I first appeared on the scene. Following this period we moved up to Cwmavon Police Station, so he was stationed there, and at Port Talbot until his retirement in 1976.

At Cwmavon and up the valleys, he was serving with Ivor Crompton, Stan Jones, Harry Weeks, John Williams, real legends.

"This course started 16th July 1951. I am on the left in second row Next to me is Alan Glyn Jones, next is John Alan from Dyfed Powys. On the right second row, I think his second name I think was Duggan. Back left could be John Coulson, Third from the left back row Bill Sears Swansea, next to him a chap from North Wales, then Sailor Thomas, both he and another boy named Mainwaring were posted to Port Talbot from the course, I went to Briton Ferry".

I was in touch with the Heritage Centre, prior to COVID, and I am looking forward to visiting there when its back open, as i intend handing this book over to them, which my Dad received when he joined! Recipient of the book PC 404 Jarrett, (ex marine)

Best regards,

Anthony Thomas

Also in the photo is Bill Sears a Swansea Borough man and was a member up until his death a short while ago. Bill is in the back row, third from right, easily recognised by his Swansea Borough helmet. Anthony's father retired in 1976, there will be a lot of members who would have served with some of these men. Also of interest is the mention of Wayne Browning, who is a retired sergeant who lives in Neath. I wonder where he originally got the photo from.

Phil Taylor

3rd July 2022

Bridgend Training Centre 1951


The Swansea Borough Police Reunion took place on Friday 20th May 2020

Note: The Narpo Reunion Programme, produced for and used at the recent Swansea Borough Police Reunion can be downloaded here. It has now been placed into the West Glamorgan Archives Service.

Update 28th May - View full Photo album here...

Swansea Borough reunion ladies

Below are just a few photos that were taken at the Reunion.
Hopefully there will be more to come from Jake the HQ photographer.

Phillip Taylor - Sec.
22nd May

A copy of the Video presentation, compiled by Peter Hall can now be downloaded and viewed from here. This is a 'large' size file and has been uploaded to our website server in 2 Formats Download Mp4 --- Download Mov

Should you be unable to play either of these files, the following FREE and very reliable software called VLC Media Player (a Non-profit organisation) is available for download.
Just download, install and you may wish to make it your default player.

Note: Scroll down to see a very good quality photo which sadly features the last day of the Mumbles Train with a Swansea Borough officer. I have included 3 video links showing the Mumbles Train (Youtube) for those of you wishing to reminisce.

Jeff Davies 22nd May 2022


Swansea Borough Police Reunion

Last day of the Mumbles train

Swansea Borough Pc - Last day of the Mumbles Railway ��
Contributed by Peter Hall.
Feb 2020

Thanks to Hugh Williams (on our Facebook page), who has identified
the officer as Sergeant (12) Harry Davies.

There are 3 You tube Video links available to download and view the Mumbles Railway (1802 - 1960)

Link 3 shows close up shots of passengers, well worth watching as some of may recognise someone you know!

Mumbles Train
Link 1

by Wynford Vaughan Thomas
Mumbles Train
Link 2

BBC Wales
Mumbles Train
Link 3
Huntley Film Archives


Swansea Boroiugh Police Childrens Christmas party 1945
Swansea Borough - Childrens Christmas party - 1945
Contributed by Peter Hall - Feb 2022


Bont Carnival
'Borrowed' from Facebook, courtesy of 'Wendie Tufty'. Memories...


These photos were sent to us by the niece of C/Insp Freda Williams. She saw an old request on our website.
They are a rather famous couple; Maddy Williams was in the CID at Swansea, and rose to be head of the force CID in the early 70's. His wife Freda was the C/Insp in charge of the Police women in the
old Swansea Borough, and after amalgamation.
When the Police womans dept was disbanded, she becme the Chief Inspector in admin and was known as the Chief Clerk for the Swansea Division.

Aunty Freda’s sister Esmee has given her permission for the photo to be put on your website.

Brenda Welsh.
14th Nov 2021


These photos have been kindly donated by Mrs Eryl Jones, widow of Sergeant Will Jones, of Gorseinon.
A good mixture of members of the South Wales Police Choir. Are you able to name them and the year(s) they were taken?

Jeff Davies
18th Sept 2021
Photo Album


Roger Davies pic
From Roger Davies (Ex. 111 Traffic dept) 22nd July 2021
As you may know I collect old postcards, and I bought this very rare card of Swansea Police taken at Somerset Place.
Not an easy one to date, no stamp on reverse which could give a great idea, but looking at their dress, and coach
and civy with watch chain, it could be around Edwardian/George V, so that could be any date between 1902 to 1936,
my guess would be around 1911, it could have something to do with the Coronation !!!.
Sorry I can’t be more specific .


Royal Visit

Another Royal visit picture from news archives.
It was at St Mary’s Church Swansea when Prince Charles,
William and Harry visited about 2002.
Submitted by Peter Hall


RCS 1988

RCS Drugs Wing about 1988.
A mixture of SWP, Dyfed and Gwent. Few in the photo no longer with us.
Chris Jones - Member of Swansea Narpo & Blueprint


Swansea Police team, around about 1967
Forwarded to Bryon Tucker from his brother Alan, who lives in Canada.
Source - Swansea History Facebook page.
5th Feb 2021.

Swansea Police Team - 1967

More 'Blasts from the past'
by Peter Hall
January 2021

Peter Hall photos


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