Photograph Archives
A big thanks to all who contributed - Ed
* Archived pages: Page 1

International Match between Northern Ireland
and Wales
- Vetch Field, Swansea - Saturday 25th April 1970
Wales lost 3 - 2
Included in this photograph are:
Cliff Phillips, Bev Curtis, Dai Rosser, Bob Topliss.
The motorcyclists are Wendell Rees, Alan Thomas and Lynn Evans.
Photograph and amended information kindly submitted by Andy Reed
and Mel Poole
(January 2010)
From Mel, others in this photograph may be Lee Poidevin and another Bill Collins
but not sure. Malcolm Mages
could be in the background.
Note: George Best made his Northern Ireland debut aged just 18 years old
on 7 April 1964 alongside Pat Jennings in a 3-2 victory
over Wales
in the British Home Championship at Swansea's Vetch Field.

Taken in August 1981 at a derelict farm building at Stormy Down during
my Basic Firearms Course.
Back row left to right: Unknown; Bill Milton (Cardiff) Dennis Bailey (Cardiff); Liz Nurse;
Peter Catt (Instructor); Unknown (Instructor); Paul Stephens; Unknown; Dick Williams
Front row left to right: Tony Thomas; Keith Bowman; Alan Pengelly (Cardiff);
Steve Culliford; Bob Molden (Cardiff); Peter Greenwood (Cardiff) ; Jeff Bow.
Photograph kindly submitted by Steve Culliford (Dec 2009)
Thanks to Phil Taylor for identifying Tony Thomas (Ex.Ds) 10th Jan
Update : Thanks also to Tom Page for identifying Bill Milton & Peter Greenwood (Nov 2012)

Taken in January 1980 at the Parade Room, Cockett Police Station at the presentation of swimming awards from the Police Training Centre at Cwmbran.
Back row left to right: Steve Culliford; Gary Ashford; Paul Rees (Tommy); Insp Bill Collins;
Ken Jones; Ceri Harding
Front row left to right: Robert (Roscoe) Tanner; Ch Supt Bill Gordge; Supt Morlais Davies;
Rob Lloyd (Dusty Bin - PC 321 – left to join the Fire Service)
Photograph kindly submitted by Steve Culliford (Dec 2009) |

'G' Division RFC 1978
Photograph kindly submitted by David Jones
Thanks to Paul Webb for further information on the players

Gorseinon Rugby Ground site - Date not known
Photograph kindly submitted by Gladys Spencer - October 2009
Further information kindly submitted by Steve Culliford 4th Dec 2009
The building on the left is the Gorseinon Institute on Lime Street.
The chimneys therefore must be
in the vicinity of
where Somerfield is now
(near to the Mardy Hotel, on Cecil Road/Mill Street).
The Bryngwyn Works chimney is (was – gone now) much further to the right.
I remember some sort of industrial site where Somerfield stands when
I moved to Gorseinon in 1980 but there is no sign of any of it now.
I wonder what was happening for this photo to be taken? I can’t see any girls in the photo!
NB. Can anyone else reveal some more information about this fascinating photograph?
If so, please email Jeff Davies - Thanks

Royal Visit - 1969
Photograph kindly submitted by David Owen Ex. Ps 2201 - October 2009

Royal Visit - 1969
Photograph kindly submitted by David Owen Ex. Ps 2201 - October 2009

Lord Mayors Parade - 1960!
Photograph kindly submitted by David Owen Ex. Ps 2201 - October 2009

Lord Mayors Parade - 1960!
Photograph kindly submitted by David Owen Ex. Ps 2201 - October 2009

Reg Morcormbe & John Garlock - 1969!
Photograph kindly submitted by David Owen Ex. Ps 2201 - October 2009

Bonymaen jazz bands competition - 1971!
Prizes being awarded by Reg Morcombe & David Owen
Photograph kindly submitted by David Owen Ex. Ps 2201 - October 2009

Havard Rees leaving do' A Group Swansea Central 1973
Photograph kindly submitted by David Owen Ex. Ps 2201 - October 2009

Swansea CID and a few guests, probably playing for the Mallin Cup.
Taken at The Morfa Astro Turf pitch, where the Morfa Shopping
centre is now situated.
Addis is in the background.
Photograph kindly submitted by Stuart Yeandle - Sept 09

H Div team - winners of the inter-divisional cup for cricket.
Taken at a presentation evening;
the very dark guy right at the back of the photo is Mike Reid
who was entertaining at the event. (Don't know what shift he was on!)
Photograph kindly submitted by Stuart Yeandle - Sept 09

Outside the British Legion Club, Alexandra Road,
Gorseinon - date not known
Kindly submitted by Gladys Spencer (wife of Ex Pc 528 Doug Spencer (Aug 2009)
Further information kindly submitted by Steve Culliford

Alexandra Road, Gorseinon, towards St Catherine's Church
Information kindly submitted by Steve Culliford

This photograph is framed and behind it is written the price - 1/6
An interesting photograph of John Thomas's (2084) uncle.
He was apparently based in Llandeilo, Carmarthenshire and one of
his duties
was to walk in front of the parade at the annual carnival.
He was so worried about it that he died of a heart attack,
either the day before or after the parade.
Kindly submitted by John Thomas Ex. 64 of Swansea Borough
and 2084 South Wales Police

Inspection by HMI
In this photograph, Ianto (Norman) Evans & Morrie Addison
Can you identify the others?
Kindly submitted by John Thomas Ex. 64 of Swansea Borough
and 2084 South Wales Police

National Executive meet at Swansea
The National Executive Committee of NARPO holds five meetings per year at various locations in the country. Our representative, Margaret Morgan, persuaded them to visit Wales and the second meeting for 2009 was held on 8th May at the Towers Hotel, Swansea. Branch secretary Phil Taylor and his wife Cheryl, together with Branch treasurer, Gerry Coad and his wife Hilary were invited to the dinner on the evening prior to the meeting.
They are pictured here with Margaret Morgan.
Also present were the Chief Constable, Barbara Wilding, Richard Jones and Wayne Baker, Chairman and Secretary of the South Wales Police Federation and Robert McAllister of the South Wales Superintendents Association. |
Mystery man - Spring 2009
Answers please on a postcard to the usual email address!!
Small clue - Ex. Traffic Dept!
Actually, not a bad impersonation!!!!! Ed.
If you can identify any of the missing names in some
of the photographs below, please email us.
These photographs will be added to the main
album in the very near future.

Swansea Borough Badminton Team
Back Row - Left to Right:
John Huxtable - Alan Watkins - John Gronow - David Dyke - Harry Morris,
Roger Morgan - Peter Jenkins - Mike Watts.
Front Row - Left to Right:
Ivor Morgan - Peter Jarret - Dick Phillips - Peter Anzani - David Salter
(Photograph kindly provided by Peter Jenkins - 11th March 2009)
Thanks to those who filled in the missing names, you know who you are:-)

Swansea Borough Police Women
Left to Right: Eryl Jenkins (Nee Skyrme) - Diane Baker (Nee Price)
Marilyn Davies (Nee Frost) - Margaret Barrie.
(Photograph kindly provided by Peter Jenkins - 11th March 2009)

Prince Charles Investiture Tour when he declared Swansea a City - 1969
Officers lining up - Left to Right:
Don Frame - M. Addison - Con Morris - Freda Williams - Joe Trigg - Eryl Jenkins (Nee Skyrme)

(Photograph kindly provided by Peter Jenkins - 11th March 2009)

Western Area Control Room - 1983 -
(On the day that Pc Eurfryn Hamer retired)
Back Row: Elaine Warne, Chris Sheldon, Kim ?, Mike Cranswick,
WPC Meinir Carey (flashing a lot of leg as a "joking stripogram" for Eurfryn!),
PC Len Ballinger
Front Row: Sue Rees, Margaret Thomas, Tricia Isaac, PC John Hoverstadt,
PC Eurfryn Hamer, PS Gwilym Bowen, Jayne Rushton, Julia Jones.
(Photograph kindly provided by Elaine Warne - 5th March 2009)

Old Swansea Borough Police Band in the Green Room at the Guildhall, Swansea
Prior to the annual concert at the Brangwym Hall - taken early 1960's.
The photograph displays a number of police officers in the band but by this time,
a number of officers
who joined in the 1930s, and were army trained,
had retired. It was therefor necessary to augment
the band with a number of civilians who were provided with uniforms for performances.
Shortly after this concert, the band was disbanded.
(Photograph kindly provided by John Huxtable - 13th February 2009)

Blast from the past!
Members of 'B' group Morriston, prior to taking part in a Charity Run in Clase, 1986
The 'youngish' men taking part are from the left:
Jeremy Griffiths (now a DI) - John Banfield - Phil Taylor - Jeff Stephens
(Photo submitted by Phil and Cheryl Taylor)

Police Motorcyclists Team - Traffic Department
Glynleiros, Neath
Left to Right - Norman Abraham - Dai Townsend - Andy Smith - Gareth Thomas - Meirion Griffiths
(Submitted by Gareth Thomas)

Submitted by Cheryl Taylor

Festival of Remembrance - 2008
(Submitted byCheryl Taylor - You know who you are!)

Member's of the South Wales Constabulary Drug Squad - Late 70's
(Submitted by Phil Taylor - You know who you are!)

"I'm just giving Shane some advice on
how to become a good player"
Tenby Trip - Sept 2008

Photographs submitted
by Cheryl Taylor