Swansea Police at the turn of the Century, posing for a formal photograph.
Photographs - Courtesy of Grey Phillips - Newspaper cuttings.
(Feb 2013) |
A large group of Swansea Officers (from a Newspaper cutting) - Courtesy of Grey Phillips. (Feb 2013)
Grey's father in law, Fred Pay is pictured 2nd row from back, second in from the right.
These photographs relate to a memorial Plaque that was erected in the old Central Police Station in 1936 to commemorate 2 Police officers who also were used as Fire Officers, and died in a fire at a premises in High street Swansea.
The plaque remained at the Central Police station until the Police moved out in 2001, when it was re-erected in the new Swansea Police Station, where it is now still located. It is interesting to see it took 4 years after their deaths before a memorial was erected to them.
Philip TAYLOR,
Swansea NARPO(98).
Feb 2013 |
*************** |
A photograph of visiting foreign officers with Mayor, Mr Syvertsen
and the senior officer was Chief Supt Jack Nolton.
Photograph taken at the retirement function of Ted Thompson sometime around 1960.
The 4 officers in the front row L to R are: Dai Jones, Ted Thompson, Insp Stan Saville
and Ted Llewellyn (father of Phil Llewellyn the Swansea and Wales prop)
Springbok demonstration - Des Edwards holding on to a protester.
(No one admitted arresting anyone that day).
Officers receiving their Long service and Good conduct medals.
L to r. Sgt Ken Fuge, Ch Supt Jack Nolton, PS Elwyn Davies,
PS Des Edwards, Supt Joe Trigg and Ch Insp Phil Gibbs.
The faceless men who worked the old P.I.R. (Police Information Room.)
Des Edwards, Jeff Lear, Gwylym Jones and Alan Watkins.
More 'blasts from the past'
'Happy Days' - Courtesy of Bob Whitter - Jones Ex. 2086
Looks quite happy and contented having a foot massage!


Old Swansea Borough Police Rugby Team - Early 1960's
Courtesy of John Thomas - Ex. 2084 - Feb 2013


Some Borough Officers may be able to assist with identification?
Taken during the time of the Mumbles Train!
Kindly submitted by Terry Townend Nov 2012
Rememberance Service at the Guild Hall, Swansea
Saturday 3rd November 2012

Kindly submitted by Phil Taylor - November - 2012

Cockett CID (Cocket 69'ers) taking part in the then, Swansea Bay
10 mile race which has now become the 10K Swansea Bay Fun Run!! Taken around 1987,
we are all
standing just down from the' Apple' near Knabs Rock.
Back row: - DC Huw GRIFFITHS, DC Andrew 'Chi Chi' THOMAS,
DC Paul STEPHENS, DS Brian 'Corky' JENKINS, DC Peter LLOYD (Scenes of Crime)
Front row: - DC Huw 'Gonzo' GRIFFITHS, DC Peter 'Togo' MANLEY,
Kindly submitted by Huw Griffiths - October 2012
Sketty Police Station - June 1969 around the time of
amalgamation into the South Wales Constabulary.
Left to Right: Inspector Bill Gordge and Sergeant Ken Evans
Kindly submitted by Andy Gill - Sept 2012

Submitted on Facebook - August 2012 - Thanks to Terry Townend.
Looks like they had a good view of the Game!
From Stuart Murray - 1969 South Africa v Swansea?
Does anyone remember it or maybe you were even present; we would love to hear from you!

An excellent photograph of a 19 year old Graham Thomas, taken on 20th Dec 1949, kindly sent in by his son Phil, who is also one of our members. (Thanks both) June 2012
"I know you're on the lookout for old Police related photo's for your
newsletter. What with the Queens Diamond Jubilee going on my father
dug out one from his archive. At the time, he was doing his national
service. The feller in the mitre hat is the Arch Bishop of Malta and
Gibraltar, and the Queen (as she was then) Princess Elizabeth is visiting
Malta. Right in between them facing the camera is lance corporal Graham Thomas of the Royal Military Police, aged 19, later of Swansea
Borough CID and Special Branch, who retired in 1977. The photo is
endorsed by the Superintendent of Malta CID, dated 20/12/49" |

Above Photographs kindly submitted by Ex. Pc Hubert Thomas - June 2012

From left - Bruce Shepherd, Derek Pascoe, Mike Green, and John Beetlestone.
SWC Drug Squad West, c 1980.
Kindly submitted by Mike Green - June 2012

'G' Division Team - Ton Pentre - Glamorgan Constabulary
Police Constable 661 W. H. Jones being presented with a Medal.
(Father of Ex. Police Sergeant 2051 Gareth Jones. (South Wales Police)
Kindly submitted by Ex. Ps 2051 Gareth Jones
May 2012
March through Swansea
Kindly submitted by Ex. Ps 2051 Gareth Jones
May 2012 |
Ex-Pc 123 Roger Wedlake
Taken at Swansea CPS when
joining the Police Force. |
It may interest members and others as to how this photograph was sourced.
After doing some research for his Family History, Roger descended on the West Glamorgan Archives and found it on-line in the
Swansea Borough Police Album, showing shots of police personnel including their name, rank and number 1966-67.
Roger spoke to the Archivist, Dr David Morris by phone, who promptly emailed him a copy, which cost £2.50p. There must be many other Swansea Borough Police Officers who may also like to get a copy of their photograph from that time and would like to hear about this facility.
Kind regards
Roger Wedlake
Ex PC 123
2nd May 2012
Swansea Police Fire Brigade dated 1906. Inspector Edwards on
the left, alongside Dep. C.C. Gill. This photograph was taken in
the rear yard of the 'Old' Swansea Central Police Station (CPS)
All credit to the photographer - unknown. April 2012 |
I was looking through some of my late mother's belongings and came across the attached photo. It was taken circa 1964 and you can just make out my number 'B 157'.
'As you see I haven't changed a lot and do I miss the 'Simon Cowell trousers'!!
Haven't times changed, no Radio, CS gas, mobile phone and the miriad of other gadgets that the modern Copper has to carry.
Dick Grove - April 2012 |

These photographs were held by my late mother.
They are of her uncle William Francis who became
Chief Superintendant in Swansea.
He was brought up in the Hafod Area.
Kindly submitted by Bill Gwilliam - March 2012
Royal Welsh Show - Carmarthen 1925
These officers were members of the then, Swansea Borough Police Force
NB. (Better quality photograph available on request)
All recent new photographs previously displayed on this page (up until March 2012 have been
archived - Archived pages: Page 1 - Page 2 - Page 3 - Page 4 - Page 5 (Latest)
To all contributors - Your input is invaluable and very much appreciated;
please keep on sending us photographs and stories, both modern and old. You may of course remain anon. if you so wish!
NB: If you send in material and don't get a reply within a week, we would appreciate a reminder.
Thank you.
New Search Engine
The web site content is getting much larger as time goes by, sometimes making a subject (person, story, photograph etc) hard to find. To get around this and make life easier, a brand new 'Search Engine' was introduced in January,2012. It is automatically 'spidered' by electronic robots every 4 weeks so please bear this in mind when searching for recent content which may be less than a month old.
The search engine has been placed on several pages - near to the top of the 'Home Page' - 'News Page' - and also below. Unlike Google which of course searches the whole of the Internet, this new search engine will only search within the confines of the Swansea Narpo web site. Please feel free to try it out!
The whole web site is indexed every month. To carry out a search, please enter name or subject into the box provided.
NB; There is normally no need to use capital letters as lower case works very well for most searches. Jeff Davies - Feb 2012 |

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