Narpo Swansea Branch


Welcome to the official NARPO website for retired Swansea Police Officers.

Updated 14th Oct 24 - Swansea CID Reunion - Coffee morning reminder

For those of you who haven't yet joined, our very popular closed and 'private' Facebook page Facebook is well worth a visit, to view and contribute to it's ever increasing content. Run entirely by members and updated on a daily basis. Please note: You MUST join Facebook in your own right before you can become a member of our Swansea Narpo 'private' Facebook page. We ask please that if you want to join, that you make the request yourself. You will be asked a few brief questions which is for the benefit and 'security' of all members.

Next Committee meeting
The next committee meeting will be held at 6pm on Monday 4th November @ Cockett Police Station. Please contact any Committee Member or the Sec. Phil Taylor on Tel: 01792 842378 or by email  if you want any issue raised. (Please note our new Email address) New Committee members are always welcome...

Search Engine Search Engine... The entire web site is indexed every month. To carry out a search, please enter name or subject (with spaces) into the box provided.
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Hit Counter
from 23rd Jan 24  

Bullet South Wales Police Website Bullet Swansea Narpo Facebook
Bullet South Wales Police Facebook Bullet Dyfed Powys Narpo
BulletDyfed Powys Police Website Bullet Cardiff Narpo
Bullet South Wales Police Fed Bullet Cardiff Facebook
Bullet Police Oracle News Bullet Glamorgan Narpo
  Bullet Blueprint Facebook

112 Emergency
The Secrets of using 112 on a mobile phone in an emergency/accident
Joining Narpo
Joining Narpo
To find out about the benefits and how to become a member! The cost for 2024 will be £26.28p - Read more here

Click here to download an application form. We currently have 616 members!

Coffee Morning and Biscuits
Coffee Morning dates

See the Social Events page for further details....

The Annual General Meeting was held on Wednesday 24th April 2024
Photos can be viewed here...

Photographs wantedArticles/stories/photos etc are always very welcome. Submissions will be given full credit or if you prefer, you may remain anonymous!

Travel back in time and have a look at our extensive Photo Galleryphoto gallery, spanning the years pre 1920's and onwards; a facinating glimpse into the past! NB. The very latest photographs can be viewed here.

Keeping in touch

Contacting friends from the past!




Members only area is unfortunately no longer available because the software used to create it has been discontinued and will no longer be updated. This could cause security issues so in order to prevent unauthorised access to 'sensitive documents', that include confidential information, the link has now been removed.

Please contact Jeff by email jeffdavies at should you wish to view for example, past Newsletters and the Swansea Borough Muster Roll'.

24th April 2022

'Swansea Narpo' do not promote or recommend any individual company and accept no responsibility for the quality and pricing offered with our advertisements. It is up to the individual to compare quality and pricing against other similar establishments.

20th Feb 2022


14th Oct - Swansea CID Reunion - Coffee morning reminder

10th Oct - Feedback page updated

12th Oct - Some more memorable photos from retired D/I David Williams

8th Oct - Ideas for future events and a possible 200 Club

4th Oct - Coffee morning reminder and remaining dates for this year.

7th Oct - More 'Blasts from the past' from D/I David Williams

17th Sept - Christmas is coming - See social events page for full details

3rd Sept - Christmas shopping trip to Bath

Important - To all members, please contact us by email if you do change your personal details such as e-mail address, telephone numbers including mobiles or your home address. Thank you. Changes of personal circumstances e.g. address, should be passed to Phil Taylor.
Please email to this address

swansea policeman

  The life of a Swansea Policeman

Diamond Wanted - Photographs & information concerning the
'old' Swansea Central Police Station.

Also -
Sketty Police Station

History of the 'Old CPS' Swansea Central Police Station



Computer AdviceComputer Advice with hints and tips... Contributions are welcomed!

Click here to view
  If you see a typo, error or missing photographs on our website, please report it to us. Please include a link to the page/story where you spotted the error.

Thank you.
advertise with us Would you like to advertise on our web site? We have a very high, daily volume of visitors, (see below webstats) from both the UK and abroad. Interested? Please contact us for further details!  

G4S Police Recruit

Policing Solutions

The world always looks brighter
from behind a smile


If you don't have a smile,
I'll give you one of mine!

~Author Unknown

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Jeff Davies
Jeff Davies
Email webmasters here

Only when the last tree is felled,
the last fish caught and the last animal hunted
will Man realise he cannot live on wealth alone!
Native American saying.

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