Social Events

Coffee morning dates for 2025

Coffee morning - The February coffee morning will be held this Thursday, 20th February 2025 in the Malthouse Bar, Grand Theatre,

Swansea, 10.30am until 12.30pm. These events has been a very popular meeting points for members, and gives old friends and

colleagues an opportunity to meet up and reminisce about old times, and maybe meet people they have not seen for a long time. So

why not call down and have an enjoyable few hours talking about old events that linger in your mind, whilst enjoying a free cup of


Remember; The older you get, the better you were.

Phil Taylor (Sec)
Swansea Narpo


Update 20th Jan
Click here to view the Photo slideshow

Good morning,
Just a few words to remind you that the January (Free) Coffee Morning will take place this Thursday morning, 16th January 2025, 10.30 am at the Malthouse Bar, Grand Theatre , Swansea.

I am sure everyone is ready to start 2025 off on a good footing, so why not come along and meet old and new friends and have a catch up of the the events of the Christmas festivities. I am sure you will all have a lot to discuss.

I hope to see you there.

Phil Taylor,
Swansea Narpo.



12th Dec - Lifetime Membership awards to Erica Fowler and Brian Davies.

1. Erika Fowler was able to attend the Coffee morning today, (12th Dec) which gave Gerry Coad the opportunity to present her with her well deserved life time membership award for her welfare work with the branch.

2. This afternoon (12th Dec) Phil Taylor was able to visit Brian Davies to present him with his lifetime membership award for his past service as committee member and chairman of the branch.

Brian wanted Phil to thank the branch for his award which he was very pleased with.


12th Dec 2024
Update for this months Coffee morning.

Here are the photos, courtesy of our resident photographer - Cheryl Taylor.

Final reminder
Good evening,
Just a reminder that the December Coffee Morning will be held this Thursday, 12th December, 10.30am until 12.30pm at the Malthouse Bar at Swansea Grand Theatre.

As this is the last coffee morning of the year, and the approach to Christmas, I hope you will all make an effort to attend.
It is also hoped that members attending wear Christmas attire.

We may even have a competition for the best Christmas jumper, and the winner will win a 'free cup of coffee.'

I hope to see you there.

Phil Taylor,
Swansea Narpo.

9th Dec


Christmas Lunch at Norton House on 4th December 2024
Click here to view the slideshow
Christmas Lunch 2024


Swansea CID Reunion pics - Friday 22nd November 2024

David Rees & Suzanne
26th Nov 24


Coffee morning

The November 2024 Narpo coffee morning was held in lovely Autumn sunshine and the Malthouse is beginning to look very festive ,everyone enjoyed catching up over a hot drink and a welsh cake.

Photos can now be viewed in our gallery here

Cheryl Taylor
15th Nov 2024

CID Reunion Nov 24
11th Nov 24


Note: Photos from below can now be viewed here.

Good afternoon,
Swansea Narpo will be holding its October coffee morning this Thursday 17th October, at The Malthouse Bar, Swansea Grand Theatre. Why not pop on down and meet old friends and colleagues, and have a catch up with a free cup of tea or coffee and a welsh cake. We will be glad to see you there.

This month, our resident photographer, Cheryl and myself are unable to attend as we have to attend a funeral. Consequently we hope members attending will take a few photos which can be placed on Facebook so the members who are unable to attend can see what they missed. We do have several members who are unable to attend who enjoy viewing the photos and look forward to seeing them, so any budding photographers please don't let them down. :-)

Phil Taylor,
Swansea Narpo.


Swansea CID Reunion
Following the success of the last Swansea CID reunion and the consensus to hold another pre-Xmas one, we can confirm the date as Friday 22 November. Again it will be held at the Yacht Club in THE MARINA from about 4pm onwards.

Can you please indicate whether you will be attending and also if you know others who may not be on social media/FB/ member of this group please bring it to their attention.
They can contact me on either 07521293843 or

We need to be able to supply approximate numbers to the club for staffing purposes.

Please note that is NOT a Swansea NARPO function in any way whatsoever.

Hopefully we can have more attendees than the last time.

Thank you.

David Rees
14th Oct 2024

Trying to think of new ventures/events to keep interest going in NARPO, and thinking of the following.
Nothing anywhere near confirmed, just putting it out there to gauge interest. So:

1. River trip on The Copper Jack from the Marina near the Helwick light ship up the River Tawe about as far as the Distillery. There’s an onboard commentary of the history of the river focusing on when Swansea was the major copper producer. We did it recently. It was really interesting, 1 1/2 hours long, and there are refreshments available to purchase. Could be combined with a meal/drink afterwards?

2. Formation of a ‘200’ club. Cardiff NARPO run a very succesful one, and v briefly it’s a monthly draw with 200 numbers, each costs £1, so £12 pa paid in advance. Every month there is a draw for 3 cash prices, and a Christmas draw for larger sums. You don’t necessarily need 200 members as a
member can choose to buy more than one number at a further £12 pa per extra number.

As above, nothing concrete, just putting feelers out and if there appears sufficient interest it can go before the committee. Give it a think please. ��

David Rees
8th Oct 24


Golf day 2024. The 8th Annual NARPO Golf day was held at Pontardawe golf club on Thursday, 19th Sept 2024.
A photo album slide show can now be viewed here.

Everyone had a great day at Pontardawe Golf club. Big thanks to Adrian Lewis and Phil Rees for organising the day, and also to Pontardawe golf club & staff who looked after our members.

It was also great to have Mrs Denise Grove there to present the prizes to the winners. Denise is the wife of our late colleague Richard ‘Dick’ Grove, who passed away earlier this year and as you will recall started to organise this event.

We are starting to organise next years event, hopefully in May 2025, possibly at Fairwood golf club. Gareth Heatley.

Coffee morning
The September coffee morning was held Thursday, 19th September. 10.30 am to 12.30pm at the Malthouse Bar, Grand Theatre, Swansea.

23rd Sept - Click here to view the Photo Album

Why not come along and have a cup of tea or coffee and welsh cake, and meet up with old friends and colleagues. It will be an opportunity to put the world to rights, and discuss old and current events. We look forward to seeing you there.

Phil Taylor,
Swansea Narpo.


This years NARPO Christmas Market shopping bus trip will be to Bath on Thursday 28th November 2024.

Discover the magic of Bath Christmas Market as the picturesque streets of Bath are transformed into a magical, festive experience. Meander through the streets of Bath adorned with over 170 twinkling chalets and discover some of the best independent businesses that the South West and beyond has to offer. With stylish homeware, handmade jewellery, personalised presents and more, bathe in the sights and smells of Christmas whilst ticking everything off your shopping list.

Pick up points are likely to be at Swansea city centre, Felindre and Neath town centre. Times to be finalised nearer the date.

Swansea NARPO will cover the cost of the bus, so please make sure to book your seats.

If you are interested and want to reserve your seats, please contact Gareth Heatley. By email; or Tel. no 07814539693.


Christmas Lunch 2024


Following on from the recent, successful Swansea CID get together in Swansea Yacht Club, I think it was unanimously agreed to have a similar Christmas one. For a variety of reasons we have decided on Friday 22nd November, a little b4 Christmas but unavoidable.

The format will be the same - Swansea Yacht Club in SA1 from mid afternoon onwards.

We will repost closer to the time to gauge numbers to supply to the club. Hopefully we will have bigger numbers.

David Rees
30th Aug

Dear All,
Have we any Bowls enthusiasts out there?
If you are one, please read the below e mail from Gwyn Hughes.

Victoria Saints Bowls Club are currently seeking new bowls members whether being a person having previous bowls experience or someone with no previous lawn bowls experience and interested in pursuing bowls as a hobby.
Taster sessions can be provided free of charge if required.
Additionally on Monday 9th September, 2024 we will be launching a Men's Shed in the pavilion of the bowls green.

This will run from 11am to 1pm and will be open for men to come along and have a chat with other men over a cuppa and biscuits. It is planned periodically to invite speakers on a range of topics such as Mental Health, Dementia awareness etc etc.

Any person interested whether it be to play bowls or wishing to have further information on the Men's Shed please contact Gwynfor Hughes on Tel: 07972 080502.

Kind regards,

Phil Taylor (Sec)
Swansea Narpo
28th Aug


Update 21st August - Photo slideshow can now be viewed here.
Courtesy of Cheryl Taylor.

Dear All,
Just a reminder that August's coffee morning will be held this Thursday 15th August 2024, 10.30am, at The Malthouse Bar, Grand Theatre, Swansea. This event is free to all members who are all welcome to attend.

Why not pop down and meet a few old friends and colleagues, and have a catch up on old and present events. You will not regret it!

Phil Taylor
Swansea Narpo



Posted on behalf of Philip Noble:
Reunion of South Wales Police RFC at 6.30pm - 7pm on Friday 15th November 2024 at Bridgend RFC. This is going to be the third reunion of South Wales Police RFC.

Please make a special effort to attend and meet up with our former players and any one associated with South Wales Police RFC.

Please spread the word to boys you know who haven’t attended the previous reunions and are not on social media to attend this very good evening to remember the good old days.

All are welcome, past and present players. I will be reminding you all closer to the date.

NB. Please get in touch with any committee members for contact details.


Come on you golfers!
This is a reminder about the 8th Annual NARPO Golf day at Pontardawe golf club which is on Thursday, 19th September 2024, with a 1015am start.

The cost of the event will be £35, which will include coffee or tea with a bacon roll on arrival.

The format for the day is a Yellow Tee Stableford, with a maximum handicap allowance of 28. Prizes for nearest the pin and longest drive.
Followed by a one course meal when you come off the course.

If you would like to play, please forward your name, handicap, preferred playing partners (partners can’t be guaranteed but we will try) to Adrian Lewis.

Phil Taylor

Swansea Narpo
3rd Aug

Narpo Summer lunch at the Norton House Hotel - July 24.
Click here to view the photo album.

The Narpo coffee morning at The Malthouse in the Grand was well attended as always. Today, it was good to see a few new attendees as all members are welcome to attend .

Coffee morning pics taken on Thursday 27th June 2024,

Cheryl Taylor.

Coffee Morning Just a reminder that June's coffee morning will be held this coming Thursday, 27th June, 10.30am to 12.30pm in the Malthouse Bar of The Grand Theatre, Swansea.

The last few coffee mornings have seen a large number of members and spouses and partners attending, making them a very pleasant gathering. So why not come along, and meet old friends and colleagues and spent a few hours reminiscing about old times, and if you must, discussing the upcoming election!

I hope to see you there.

Phil Taylor (Secretary)
Swansea Narpo.
24th June


A big thank you to everyone who attended the reunion yesterday at Swansea Yacht Club.
I’m sure everyone will agree how enjoyable it was to see friends and former colleagues, some after many years.
I think the consensus was to hold another prior to Christmas when hopefully those unable to attend yesterday will be able to. We will set a date and get the same venue booked.

Here are some photo’s.

David Rees and Susanne
29th June 24

A get together...
Dear all, in this last year we have lost good colleagues and friends we worked with in Swansea CID offices in the 1980/90's, so we thought it would be good to get together to chat through and reflect on some of those good times.

For those colleagues who worked in Cockett, Morriston and Swansea CID offices in the 1980/90s, please come and join us on Friday 28th June at Swansea Yacht Club from 4pm.

Hope to see you there. Please give an indication of whether or not you will attend.

Thanks and hope to see you there.

Dai Rees and Susanne Hughes
1st June


Golf day - Updated 9th July - Change of date...

Due to a clash with the British police championships on the 22nd August 2024 (an event where a number of our members are attending) we have had to move the 8th Annual NARPO Golf day at Pontardawe golf club to Thursday, 19th September 2024, which has a 1015am start.

The cost of the event will be £35, which will include coffee or tea with a bacon roll on arrival.

The format for the day is a yellow tee stableford with a maximum handicap allowance of 28. Prizes for nearest the pin and longest drive.

Followed by a one course meal when you come off the course.

If you would like to play, please forward your name, handicap, preferred playing partners (partners can’t be guaranteed but we will try) to Adrian Lewis via

Please accept my apologies for this change, but it will be the last one.
We just need our golfing colleagues to sign up!

Gareth Heatley
9th July

Original post below
The postponed 8th Annual NARPO Golf day at Pontardawe golf club will now take place on Thursday, 22nd August 2024, which has a 10.15am start.
The cost of the event will be £35, which will include coffee or tea with a bacon roll on arrival.

The format for the day is a yellow tee stableford with a maximum handicap allowance of 28. Prizes for nearest the pin and longest drive.
Followed by a one course meal when you come off the course.

If you would like to play, please forward your name, handicap, preferred playing partners (partners can’t be guaranteed but we will try) to Adrian Lewis via

Let’s make it a day to remember.

We can also raise a glass to celebrate the life of Richard ’Dick Grove. RIP.

Gareth Heatley
26th May 24

Please note: August Coffee morning date -
Because the original date clashed with the revised Golf Day date, the August Coffee morning has now been brought forward from 22nd August to Thursday 15th August 2024.

Coffee morning dates in 2024
Note: Click here to download a PDF file of the above dates if you wish to print out a copy for your diaries...


The May coffee morning took place at The Malthouse Bar this morning (16th May). It was pleasing to see so many people attending, including some attending for the first time. Cheryl was unable to attend this morning so I stood in as photographer.

Hope you enjoy them.

Phil Taylor. Sec.


The May coffee morning will be held this Thursday 16th May 2024, 10.30am at The Malthouse Bar, Grand Theatre, Swansea.

They have been very well attended over the last few months, so why not call in and meet old friends and colleagues for a catch up and relive old memories.

All are welcome, I hope to see you there.

Phil Taylor, Secretary, Swansea Narpo. 14th May


Annual General Meeting was held on Wednesday 24th April 2024 at the Norton House Hotel, commencing at 2pm. The meeting lasted for 30 to 40 minutes. After the meeting there was tea, coffee, and Welsh cakes for a social gathering. All members and their guests were very welcome to attend the AGM.

AGM Photos can now be viewed here...

Coffee morning photos 18th April can now be viewed here...

Golf Tournament Postponed
Given today's sad news with the loss of Richard ‘Dick’ Grove, we have decided to postpone the Narpo golf tournament on the 24th May 2024 at Pontardawe Golf club. Richard had kindly volunteered to organise the event and it was only at the beginning of April, due to concerns about his health, that he apologetically withdrew. Richard has been a long term member of the club and a former Captain.

Out of respect for him and his family, we will postpone the tournament and rearrange later this Summer. The new date will be published here. Apologies for any inconvenience caused, but hopefully everyone will respect the decision.

Just a reminder about the 8th Annual NARPO Golf day at Pontardawe golf club on 24th May 2024, which has a 10.15am start. The cost of the event will be £35, which will include coffee or tea with a bacon roll on arrival.

The format for the day is a yellow tee stableford with a maximum handicap allowance of 28. Prizes for nearest the pin and longest drive. Followed by a one course meal when you come off the course.

If you would like to play, please forward your name, handicap, preferred playing partners (partners can’t be guaranteed but we will try) to Adrian Lewis via Email: - Let’s make it a day to remember.

Opportunity for New Members
We recognise that several of our committee members are getting older, and although they are doing a splendid job, it would also be an opportunity for new committee members to be able to shadow posts, such as secretary, treasurer, welfare etc with a view to taking over that post in the future.

If you are interested and would like to become a committee member or assist
Swansea NARPO in any way. 

Please contact any Committee member or our Secretary,
Phil Taylor Tel. 01792 842378, email

NB. Prospective NEW members please free to come along to our Committee meetings
(Dates on home page) with no obligation.


Golf day 2024 update


Summer Lunch Wednesday 17th July 2024 at the Norton House Hotel - 1pm for 1.30pm
The cost to members and a guest is £16.50p per person. Other guests are welcome at the full cost of £33 per person. The 3 course Lunch will include Tea and Coffee.

V= Vegetarian.  VG= Vegan.  GF = Gluten Free.
GF* = can be made Gluten Free.  VG* = Can be adapted to be Vegan.

1. Pea & Mint Soup with Crusty Bread. (VG) (GF*)
2. Goats Cheese and Beetroot Salad with Toasted Walnuts and Balsamic Glaze. (V)
3. Tomato Bruschetta topped with Cured Ham. (GF*) (VG*)
4. Salmon & Smoked Haddock Fishcake on Pea Puree with side of Tartare Sauce.

Main course
1. Pan Fried Sea Bass with Spinach Mash and a Lemon Dill Sauce. (GF)
2. Roast Loin of Pork served with Gratin Potato, Caramelised Apple and an Apple & Thyme Jus.
3. Pan Fried Chicken Breast with Gratin Potato and a Bacon, Leek & Tarragon Sauce.
4. Vegetable Terrine with Crushed Artichoke and Broccoli Sauce. (VG) (GF)

All served with Seasonal Vegetables.

1. Norton House Eton Mess. (GF)
2. Chocolate Torte with Vanilla Ice Cream.
3. Whisky infused Croissant Bread & Butter Pudding.
4. Selection of Welsh Cheeses with Biscuits and Home-made Chutney.

Those who wish to attend please inform.
Gerry Coad as early as possible with your choice of meal at the time of booking

You can contact Gerry by phone, text, or e-mail.

01792 202538       07974 021720       Email:

Cheques should be made payable to ‘NARPO Swansea Branch’ and sent to: -
Mr. G Coad, 214 Derwen Fawr Road, Sketty, Swansea SA2 8EA.

Online payment direct to the NARPO Swansea Branch bank account
Lloyds Bank Account no. 02053168 – sort code 30-93-53
Please inform Gerry if you do pay by bank transfer so Gerry can cross-reference.

“Norton House Hotel“ is located at Norton Rd, Mumbles, Swansea SA3 5TQ.”


Yet another date for your Diary
Christmas Lunch - Wednesday 4th December 2024

The Christmas lunch will be held at The Norton House Hotel.  
Full details of times, cost and the
menu will be published later in the year.  
All members and their guests are welcome to attend.


Important - Personal Records
Please ensure that you update your details e.g. change of address, circumstances, email, telephone, or mobile numbers. 

Please also include D.O.B. of yourself and your partner/spouse and your wedding date to receive a card on special occasions!

All your details are treated as confidential and will not be passed onto a third party. 

If you wish to amend or check your records, please contact Swansea Narpo Secretary
Phil Taylor: - Tel. 01792 842378 or email: -



Coffee Morning photo album - Thursday 21st March 24

Coffee Morning photo album/slideshow - photos taken on Thursday 22nd Feb 24

Thanks to Cheryl Taylor


Dates for your diaries for future meetings and events this year...

Wed 24th April 2024 - 2 pm Norton House for the AGM

Thurs 2nd May 2024 (3pm at Cockett Police Station) Committee Meeting

Wed 17th Jul 2024 - Norton House for summer Lunch

Wed 4th Dec 2024 - Norton House for Christmas lunch

More detailed information will be published in our quarterly Newsletters.



January Coffee Morning 2024
Photo Slideshow can now be viewed here

Christmas Coffee Morning Dec 23
Photo Slideshow can now be viewed here.

Update 7th Dec - Christmas Lunch - Photo Slideshow can now be viewed here

Christmas lunch Dec 23


Old News

Coffee mornings - Thursday 14th Dec 23

All are welcome to attend, so why not come on down for a free cup of tea/coffee and a welsh cake, and spend some time catching up with old colleagues and friends. A great way of keeping in touch.

Photos kindly taken by Cheryl Taylor for 23rd Sept coffee morning can now be viewed here.

Coffee Morning Thursday 19th October 2023 - Photo album now available to view here...

Annual Narpo Christmas market trip on Thursday 23rd November 2023
Circulated and republished on Facebook and Narpo website, not just to remind people of the trip but to also notify them of the pick up points & times. It is just a month away. I am suggesting leaving Bristol by 4.30pm, which will give people six hours there, more than enough time for everyone. I currently have 26 names, please let me know if you are attending, if you are not currently listed.

Pick up points etc can be found on our News page


Gareth Heatley
21st Oct 23

Golf Tournament at Pontardawe Golf club
24th May 2024 (Further info in next Newsletter - early Dec 23)


A Narpo trip on the Gwili Railway with Cream Tea was held on Thursday 28th Sept, 2023.
The Narpo trip on the Gwilli railway was organised by Gareth Heatley . The railway staff were very accommodating and pleasant and the cream tea was enjoyed by everyone.

Thanks to the fine contribution of pics by Cheryl Taylor, plus a few short video clips of a memorable day. Thanks again to Gareth for arranging this trip.

A Photo Slideshow plus a few Video clips can be viewed here.

Jeff Davies/Cheryl Taylor
28th Sept 23

Annual Golf day 23

Report from Simon Merrick
Due to unforeseen circumstances, including a last minute change to the organising arrangements, a change in the venue from Clyne golf club to Neath golf club presented a different challenge to this year's participants of the 2023 Narpo golf championship.

On a blustery but dry and sunny Friday September 29th, 21 eager competitors took on the hilly and demanding golf course.

As well as competing in the individual stableford competition, golfers took part in a number of other challenges in their 18 hole stint.

The winners were as follows;


1st David Roberts
2nd Paul Arco
3rd Ian Williams


David Roberts


David Roberts


Tony Carpenter/Martyn Morris/Paul Thomas


Andy Hawkins
Phil Morris
Greg Olphert

Special thanks to Phil Taylor and Gerry Coad for their continued support and all associated with Neath Golf club for accomodating the event.

Simon Merrick
8th Oct 2023

Report from Phil Taylor (Sec)

Swansea Narpo held their annual Golf Day, on Friday 29th September 23 at Neath Golf Club. It was organised by Simon MEYRICK and was well attended. The day was fine with a slight breeze but after the recent bad weather was appreciated. A warm welcome was extended by the club, and the day started with a welcome from the club captain who attended especially to receive us.

After a hard fought contest, last years winner, Alun Morgan relinquished his title to David ROBERTS who not only won the main competition but also the prize for the longest drive.

Afterwards at the 19th hole, a pleasant meal was provided by the club. Thanks are extended to Neath Club, and their captain and staff, and of course to Simon for his efforts in planning the event. All in all a very pleasant day.

Photo slideshow can be viewed here.

Phil Taylor (Sec)
Swansea Narpo
2nd Oct 23