Narpo Swansea Branch
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Feedback from AGM April 2015 - Photographs can be viewed here

Dear Bryon

Would kindly convey to your Chairman, Officers and members of Swansea Narpo my sincere thanks for the warmth of welcome accorded me at Llys Glas last Thursday.  I really enjoyed my afternoon together with a most enjoyable high tea.

My thanks to Swansea Narpo for their generous donation to my Cancer Charity Fund and the member’s contributions to my collections boxes all so much very appreciated Bryon.

Your colleague Conrad Morris was such great support with my transportation and most valued assistance with my luggage, he should be mentioned in despatches.

Fellow members highlighted their wish to hear my second talk, namely. “The Fall of the Berlin Wall” when I was able to enter East Germany to continue my research for the remaining relatives of the late Captain Hartenstein’s family, coupled with the writing of my second book in German.

Please, in due course, inform me of some dates for me to confirm an acceptance suitable to us both.

Many thanks again Bryon with every good wish and continues success for your most active Swansea Branch NARPO

Yours sincerely


Capt David C Jones

  Feedback Norman Hathaway

Norman Hathaway
21st April
Allan Rees
16th April 2015

  Thank you so much for the Congratulations Card and vouchers in respect of our
Diamond Wedding Celebrations on the 19th of March this year.

Jock and Brenda Grant
24th March

March 2015

Dear Phil/Brian and committee,

Thank you all for your kinds words and Get Well card together with vouchers.1

It was a very nice and welcome surprise.

I'm sorry bit has been a few days since receiving the above but unfortunately I have been hospitalised in the mean time, but am out now and hopefully on the mend.

Once again thank you,


Len Ballinger
March 2015

  Hi Phil
Many thanks for the birthday card and voucher.
A really nice surprise.

Dick Grove
19th March
  Feedback Wendy Wedlake
From Wendy Wedlake (Roger Wedlake)
March 2015
  Feedback from John Driscoll
  Dear Bryon and Vera

Thank you very much for the lovely birthday card and voucher received for my recent birthday. It really was an unexpected surprise and I am still trying to work out how you knew how old I was!

Since I left the NEC I have not had very good health which limits my getting out. I get very depressed about it. To think that Swansea Branch remembered me really cheered me up. Please will you pass on my thanks to the committee and my friends in Swansea branch.
I hope to see you sometime this year.

Best wishes and many thanks
Margaret Morgan

26th Feb
  Dear Bryon,
Marilyn asked me to pass her sincere thanks to you and Narpo for the card and gift sent to her for her recent birthday. Many thanks to you all.

Terry Hughes
26th Feb

Thank you for my birthday card and voucher from Narpo.

Huw Griffiths
7th February .


Memories of the late Alan Lloyd (Lloydy)

I have a lovely memory of Sgt. Lloydy sitting in front passenger seat whilst ex traffic cop
traffic car Sgt Kevin Grant drove us to a code 9 shout.

I was in the back, Lloydy was so frightened by Grant driving on the wrong side of Walter Road that he had his hands over his eyes and feet on the dash, continually shouting 'STOP' I couldn't stop laughing, despite Grant taking our lives in his hands weaving through traffic!!

Sgt Lloydy couldn't talk when we arrived at our destination he was so traumatised! However he was still able to throw a few punches! Obviously only using enough force as necessary to apprehend!

Tanya Closs-Jones, nee Crawford
26th January


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